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Clarity1129 Tarot

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Unlocking Your Destiny, One Card at a Time

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Guiding Your Path with Tarot's Wisdom

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Discover Clarity, Find Answers with Tarot

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Tarot Insights for a Brighter Tomorrow

To help you understand the draws, I choose to draw using the
Major Arcana of the tarot.

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Empowering Your Journey Through Tarot Readings


Is Tarot Evil?

Any medium that leads you to your highest potential with kindness while providing you with clarity on your journey, which is what tarot does, can never be evil. Tarot, Astrology, and other Divination Tools are not to bring in fear but to dispel them. They are meant to guide you to make choices that your inner wisdom wants you to make. You do not need these tools if you can tap into your intuition and trust its guidance.


How Does Tarot Work?

Thou Art That! Tat Tvam Asi! All living creatures are made of the same things. We see ourselves in duality- you vs me but the ultimate truth is that we are one- the creator and the creation. We, therefore, have a collective consciousness. The answers to everything we want to know lies embedded deep within us. Tarot brings it out so that you can make decisions for your highest vibrational good.


What are Arcana cards?

A typical tarot deck contains 78 cards of which 22 are Major Arcana and the remaining 56 are Minor Arcana. Arcana means mysteries. Major Arcana are fated mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Major moments in your life which are predestined. Minor Arcana are day to day energies that keep shifting. Our free will!



Clarity1129 is a platform that offers clarity and guidance through tarot readings and blogs. I am an intuitive reader and hope to provide assistance on this beautiful journey of life, with all its delightful and challenging facets.

My YouTube channel is free to subscribe to and provides a plethora of readings from love and relationship pick-a-card readings to career readings; readings for clarity and guidance; Full Moon readings and more. You will also find astrology based monthly predictions for all zodiac signs. Do stop by and indulge in the readings of your choice and if called to, do subscribe for free and press the bell icon to get an intimation, every time I post.

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Customers rave about Clarity1129s tarot readings, describing them as profoundly insightful and incredibly accurate.

The Universe Speaks to you...

All you have to do is listen!
With clarity you can move ahead and reach your highest potential. Clarity is what we provide!

Clarity1129 Tarot